Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hezbollah Essay

Hezbollah, Arabic for â€Å"Party of God†, is also known as Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine, the Organization of the Oppressed on Earth and as the Revolutionary Justice Organization (Global Security, p. 1). Hezbollah (also Hizbullah and Hizballah) is a Lebanese social, political and paramilitary organization founded in 1982. Hezbollah’s historical and political background was the Israeli Defense Force’s presence in Lebanon (1982-2000), the Lebanese Civil War (1979-1990) and the plight of Arab Palestinians, many of whom had fled to Lebanon, where their presence â€Å"changed the historical balance between Muslims and Christians† (Bennett, 2005, p. 214). In the war, Lebanon’s various religious communities vied for power and Hezbollah was established as by Shi’a to strengthen their traditionally weak political position, with help from Iran and Syria. Committed to making Lebanon an Islamic state, to the liberation of Israeli occupied territory (which it claims means dismantling the Israeli state) Hezbollah was named a terrorist organization by the USA in 1994. One scholar describes the organization, which has seats in Parliament and in the Cabinet, runs a large social welfare program, as â€Å"a moderate, mainstream political party† (Harik, 2007, p. xiv). Harik says that Hezbollah â€Å"is considered a legitimate resistance force all over the Arab and Muslim worlds† (p. 7).   Azani discusses Hezbollah as a â€Å"social protest movement† (2009, p. 1). This raises the question whether the US is correct to label Hezbollah a â€Å"terror organization† and why it does so?   Harik says that no one has ever proved that Hezbollah has ever attacked a civilian (p. xiv) or that it was responsible for attacks on US personnel (p. 193). In responding to these questions, what follows examines the history of the organizations, its aims, programs and activities and why the US regards it as a terrorist organization. The Shi’a in Lebanon Modern Lebanon was created after World War I, when the Great Powers defeated the Ottoman Empire and divided the Middle East among themselves as League of Nations mandates. These newly created states were to be given independence when they were considered ready for self-determination. The Lebanon became a French mandate. Lebanon was religiously diverse, with Christians in a small majority, followed by Sunni Muslims, followed by the Shi’a. Under four centuries of Ottoman rule, the Shi’a were suspected being Iran’s fifth column. Consequently, the community was â€Å"impoverished and underdeveloped† (Norton, 2009, p. 12). Under the French, an attempt was made to share power between the main communities. The Marionite were given the Presidency, the Sunni the office of Prime Minister, which left the Shi’a with the Speakership, a â€Å"position with far weaker constitutional powers† (Norton, p. 12). This was based on the 1932 census, which, says Norton, was â€Å"the last official census ever conducted in Lebanon† (p. 12). This arrangement continued after independence in 1943. The Shi’a community in Beirut was very small; most lived in the south and in the Beqaa valley. Azani says that the â€Å"political awakening† of the Shi’a began in the 1960s and 1970s, led by Imam Musa al-Sadr, â€Å"a Shiite cleric with the characteristics of a religious and political leader.† Born in Iran to a Lebanse family he studied at the great centers of Shi’a learning (p. 48). From 1959, al-Sadr was Mufti of Tyre and â€Å"in less than two decades he succeeded, with strenuous activity, charisma and high rhetorical ability, in organizing the Shi’a community, characterized for hundreds of years by passivity and isolationalism, and in mobilizing it into collective activity for the realization of social and political goals† (pp. 48-49). The influx of Palestinian refugees into South Lebanon upset the traditional power of the Shi’a elite in the region. The increasing politicization of Shi’a leaders in Iran impacted their role in Lebanon. From the 1970s, the number and influence of clerics increased, with al-Sadr and the future founder of Hezbollah, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, leading a movement that wanted to bring about an Islamic revolution in Lebanon, following the Iranian revolution of 1979. The Lebanese Civil War and the founding of Hezbollah On the one hand, the Shi’a in Lebanon were finding their political voice, encouraged by co-religionists in Iran. On the other hand, the security situation in Lebanon was deteriorating. The tradition of good relations between communities was breaking down with Christians being depicted as pro-Israeli, while Muslims were aligned with the Palestinian cause. April 13, 1973 a Christian paramilitary group ambushed a Palestinian bus in retaliation for the killing of a Christian earlier that day (Bennett, 2005, pp. 213-5). Fighting began between different communities, Sunni, Christian, Druze and Shi’a. In 1976, unable to stop the fighting the President asked the Syrians and other Arab leaders to â€Å"end the war.† Bennett remarks that as a result of the civil war, the word â€Å"Shia† entered the Western vocabulary (p. 215). The revolution in Iran would reinforce the word’s presence in the media. It was in the context of the civil war that Hezbollah was founded. The Palestinian Liberation Army was raiding Israel from across the border. Al-Sdar mysteriously disappeared in August 1978 (Norton, 2009, p. 29). This led to Israel invading Lebanon in June 1982, and to Hezbollah’s formation. From the start, committed to liberating Palestine, Hezbollah also raided across the border. However, its immediate aim was to end Israel’s presence in Lebanon. Between spring 1983 and the summer of 1985, Hezbollah â€Å"launched an unprecedented wave of suicide bombings which included an attack on the US Embassy and US Marine branches in Beirut in October 1983 and the US Embassy annex in Beirut in September, 1984† followed by the taking of Western hostages, according to Global Security (p. 1). Hezbullah’s Aims and Structure The organization’s Consultative Council has 12 senior scholars at its head and a Directing Council under its Secretary-General.. The organization’s charter sets out three objectives: 1. to expel the Americans, the French and their allies definitely from Lebanon, putting an end to any colonial entity. 2. to submit the Phalanges [Christian militia] to a just power and bring them all to justice for the crimes they have committed against Muslims and Christians. 3. to permit all the sons of [Lebanese] people to determine their future and to choose in all liberty the form of government they desire. [Hezbollah] call[s] upon them all to pick the option of an Islamic government, which alone is capable of guaranteeing justice and liberty for all. Only an Islamic regime can stop any further attempts at imperialist infiltration (Richardson, 2006, pp. 83-4). Hezbollah and Israel From 1978, a UN force was deployed in Lebanon to oversee the withdrawal of Israeli forces under Security Council Resolution 425. However, it was not until 2000 that Israeli troops were completely withdrawn. Until then, Hezbollah carried out attacks on Israelis targets. After the withdrawal, Israeli continued to launch missile strikes and raids into Lebanon and Hezbullah â€Å"in retaliation, launched rocket attacks in Northern Israel on an almost regular basis† (Bajpai, 2006, p. 594). According to Global Security, Hezbollah â€Å"operates against Israel in four main way†: 1. brimging terrorists and collaborators through the border crossings usinf foreign documents. 2. setting up a terrorist organization inside Israel and Judea, Samaria and the Gaza strip. 3. cross-border operations – smuggling weapons and terrorists 4. financial support for Palestinian organixzations and groups. Others do not use the word â€Å"terrorist† but represent Hezbullah’s activities as legitimate resistance to Israel, which has defied UN Resolutions to withdraw from all occupied territory. Bajpai writes, â€Å"even after its formal withdrawal from Southern Lebanon in 2000, Israel engaged in frequent military incursions† (p. 594). In 2004, the UN called for the disbanding and disarming of all Lebanese militia (Resolution 1559). However, in the elections of 2005, Hizbollah won 14 seats (out of 128), and was awarded 2 cabinet posts. By 2008, Hizbollah had eleven out of thirty cabinet seats (Council on Foreign Relations, p. 1). In the 2009 election, it lost a seat but still received 10 seats in the 30 members Cabinet. Hartik says that Christians have supported Hezbollah, which makes it harder for â€Å"its enemies to float the fundamentalist stereotype of a raging gang of religious fanatics whose main aim was to put enemies of the faith to the sword† (p. 79). Other Christians are outspoken in criticizing Hezbollah as the stooge of Syria and Iran and as setting itself up as a state within the state (Azani, p. 231). As well as carrying out military or terrorist action, depending on the commentator’s perspective, it spends millions on welfare and education work, funded by Iran. In 2006, Hezbollah’s operatives crossed the Israeli border and captured two IDF soldiers. This came a month after Palestinian operatives had captured an Israeli soldier (Global Security, p. 1). In response, a 34-day war followed during which Israel launched air strikes, killing â€Å"56 citizens including 37 children† (Bajpai, 594). As a result of this war and Hezbollah’s resistance, its popularity within the Muslim world increased. The war ended with a UN brokered cease-fire and another Resolution calling for the disarming of all militia. Hezbullah did succeed in preventing a full-scale invasion. The Global Security report on Hezbollah states that in addition to funding from Iran and help from Syria, the organizatuon engaged in fund-raising around the world (p. 2). The report makes no mention of its extensive social program but the Council on Foreign Relations however describes it as a â€Å"major provider of social services† (Council on Foreign Relations, p 1.) Acts Attributed to Hezbullah In addition to the acts mentioned above, according to CFR, Hezbollah lists the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847 and the attacks in Argentine on the Israeli Embassy (1992) and on a Jewish community center (1994). Azani refers to links with other organizations across the globe. He lists an attempt to destroy US ships in Singapore in 1995 and arrests of members in 1997 for planning an attack in a US Embassy. The 9/11 Report said that Al-Qaeda operatives train at Hezbollah camps (p. 203). He refers to other arrests made in 1999 and in 2001 when plans to attack targets in South and North America were foiled.   He says that the global network is spread across forty countries and every continent, including Europe where activists have also been arrested. In Germany, two charities funding the organization were shut down (p. 205).   However, Hartik points out that while Western attention focuses on its â€Å"guerilla activities† in the Lebanon it is social welfare activities that attract support, making it in her view a â€Å"mainstream† organization. It has achieved more in this field, she says, than any other party (p. 81). On the other hand, it has refused to disarm. After 2001 and the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in NY, the US has repeatedly asked Lebanon to shut Hezbollah down and to close bank accounts. Lebanon has refused to do this, claiming that Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization, which Syria also denies. Syria is one of four countries considered â€Å"state sponsors of terror† by the US State Department. In April 2010, reports began circulating that Syria had given SCUD missiles to Hezbollah. Syria denies this.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Character is destiny Essay

â€Å"Character is destiny† is a dominant theme that often appears in Shakespearean tragedy. In the play, King Lear this concept is portrayed through the characters of King Lear, Gloucester, and Edmund. The characteristics and the roles that each of the characters have within the society of the play determine the treatment that they receive from other characters as well as their destiny. In the play, Lear demonstrates various characteristics that can be classified as his tragic flaws. In the opening scene, Lear’s irrational basis for distributing the kingdom between his daughters reveals that he is accustomed to hypocrisy, that he is quick tempered, that he is impatient, and that he is unaware of human limitation. By asking his daughters to publicly display their love towards him, he reveals that he is accustomed to flattery. This also demonstrates that he is proud of his ability to exercise his will quickly and effectively. A.C Bradely comments on this tragic flaw by stating that â€Å"A long life of absolute power, in which he as been flattered to the top of his bent, has produced in him that blindness to human limitation and that presumptuous self will† . In the opening act, King Lear also demonstrates his quick tempered nature through the disowning of Cordelia and the banishment of Kent. When Lear does not hear what he expected from Cordelia, he disowns her as his daughter without any rational thoughts. This demonstrates that he is accustomed to exercising his will. It also demonstrates that he believes that through his position as a monarch, he can even command human emotions such as love. In addition, when Lear hears what he expects from Goneril and Regan, he rewards them with a large portion of his kingdom. This reveals his gullible, generous, and unsuspicious nature. Overall, Lear’s characteristics are revealed in the first Act of the play. He is accustomed to exercising his will freely, he is gullible, unsuspicious, and is blind of human limitations. These characteristics are his tragic flaws that later lead to his destiny. Lear’s destiny at the end of the play is predetermined because of his tragic flaws. He disowned Cordelia because he believed that his position as a monarch enables him to dictate love. By disowning Cordelia, he loses his protection against the evil deeds of Goneril and Regan. In addition, Lear’s gullible, generous, and unsuspicious nature towards Goneril and Regan lead to the division of his kingdom between the two ungrateful sisters. Because of Lear’s characteristics, he is unable to see in advance the possible outcomes of his actions. His gullible and unsuspicious nature does not permit him to see beyond the misleading surface of Goneril and Regan’s proclamations. As the play progresses, Goneril and Regan are able to use Lear’s characteristics against him to adva nce their own powers and to

The Ho-Chunk Nation

Ho-Chunk Nation The Ho-Chunk Nation’s culture and beliefs have sustained them for centuries which make their tribe one of the strongest Native American Tribes in the United States today. Their tribe is made up of 7,071 members, due to the devotion of the tribe elders passing along traditions to the younger generations. Today, the Ho-Chunk Nation is a non-reservation tribe with 3,407 acres of trust land and 5,310 acres of taxable land. The Tribe had to repurchase this land that they once owned from the U. S. Government.The Ho-Chunk Native Trust Lands are located in: Adams, Clark, Crawford, Dane, Eau Claire, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Marathon, Monroe, Sauk, Shawano, Vernon and Wood Counties in Wisconsin and also in the State of Illinois. There are also large numbers of tribal members that live in Minneapolis, Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago. In 1836, the Ho Chunk was removed from the choice land of southern Wisconsin to make room for the miners that were taking over the land. The area was also in demand for the lush farmland of the various river valleys.This land was taken from the Ho Chunk for nickels and dimes, and the people were forcibly removed on to Indian reservations in northeastern Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota and Nebraska. Ho-Chunk elders recall terrifying scenes of tribal members being rounded up at gunpoint and loaded into boxcars against their will. They were shipped to reservations far from the place they called home. Eventually, many Ho-Chunk refused to live on the poor reservations and returned to their homeland in Wisconsin. The native people with an ancestral lineage dating back to pre-history were first known as the Wisconsin Winnebago Tribe.This name was given to them by early European explorers. In 1994, when the tribe adopted its present constitution, the Nation reclaimed their original name: Ho-Chunk or â€Å"People of the Big Voice. † The Ho-Chunk were avid hunters, gatherers and farmers. They created and became known for their raised garden beds where they grew specialized plants for food. The men hunted while the women gathered. The food consisted of corn, squash, green plants, roots, berries, making maple syrup and maple candy, venison, fresh fish, and small game.After harvest, the food storage process consisted of drying foods naturally for the long winters. As Caretakers of the land, they moved as the food source did, and during seasons providing the plant life abundant to this region. Villages moved to conserve the area's resources. Their history of living off the land helped the Ho-Chunk develop a unique relationship with Wisconsin’s terrain. Women tanned hides, wove mats from the strong grasses near the waters' edge, made clothing, and taught their daughters.The grandmothers and grandfathers played an important part in the instruction and rearing of children. The Dagas, or Uncles, were the disciplinarians within a family unit. There was no need for a mother or father to raise their voi ces, for the practice was to train the children to have such respect for a Daga. The children lived in fear of punishment from their Daga that they were well-mannered and productive children. The Ho-Chunk government provides many services to their tribe. The housing program helps with home ownership and property management.The education program has four primary school districts in Tomah, Black River Falls, Baraboo, and Wisconsin Dells. The labor program which is a certification of Indian preference for contracting and subcontracting; safety, and they provide supportive services; which helps youth employment. Health services which provide Food Distribution Program, Community Health Representatives, Community Health Nurses, At-Large Health Care, Alcohol/Drug Program, Environmental Health, Benefit Coordinators, Special Diabetes Programs for Indians and a Mental Health Program.They Also provide services for veterans and social services. Bibliography 1. Wisconsin State Tribal Relations I nitiative, Ho-Chunk Nation http://witribes. wi. gov/docview. asp? docid=5638&locid=57 2. Ho-Chunk Nation http://www. ho-chunknation. com/UserFiles/File/OOP/04HCN_mediakit_rtpages_ACT. pdf 3. http://www. mpm. edu/wirp/icw-52. html 4. http://www. wisconsinhistory. org/whspress/pdf/247. pdf

Monday, July 29, 2019

Managing performance through training and development Essay

Managing performance through training and development - Essay Example The lectures indicate that there are numerous applicants received by employers for a single vacancy and work experience programmes for students and recent graduates number about 10,000 positions. Other employers are also offering industrial placements for graduates. Employers also prefer graduates with previous work experiences. Based on the above considerations, it is therefore important for me to undertake measures in order to improve my employability. I have yet to gain entry into the student and graduate training programmes or into the industrial placements for graduates. I believe that by gaining some experience and training, I can make myself stand out among the numerous applicants and thereby gain desirable employment. I understand that as early as now, as a student, I can already establish a reputation and a portfolio or profile which can later enhance my future employability. I need to first establish what I would like to be known for as a student, how wide my networks be, w hat I would like to achieve, and who will speak well of me. As a student, these are aspects of my academic life which would be formulated whether or not I would consciously seek to characterize these aspects. In effect, these elements would be the foundation for my employability. 2. Theoretical basis of the module In evaluating the various theories of the module, I noted that how I would perform in enhancing my employability is based on what I would say or do or what I would present; it is also based on the thinking and judgment of the employers I would like to impress. The theoretical basis of this module is basically the underpinning knowledge and understanding which would help me gain success in further enhancing my employability (theory). I believe that the career theory would help me first establish my personal assessment of what I would like to be, as well as settle other issues like where, when, where, who, why, and how I would like my employment chances to turn out (career t heory). The career theory also acknowledges the fact that careers go through cycles from their start-up, to their growth, then their settlement, their diversification, and their reduction (organisational cycles). There is also a right fit needed for a career to work. In order to enhance my employability, I would have to find the right fit for my skills, knowledge, goals, and interests (career fit). In applying the theories involved in enhancing my employability, I would be able to also understand that the career I would choose would have to match my requirements or needs and that my capabilities would also have to match the requirements of organizations (work adjustment theory). The vocational theory would also provide support and basis in enhancing my employability. The vocational theory is used in classifying individuals and jobs into vocational personalities (self-concept). This theory also provides tools and techniques in order to assist individuals into their distinctive identi ties and vocational personalities (vocational theory). In order to improve my employability, I would need to develop a set of skills and an identity which recruiters can use in order to easily identify my career fit and how I would fit into their own company requirements. 3. Management simulations Management simulations include the application of teamwork. Most businesses have a wide range of functions including marketing, logistics, operations, human resources, and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The shear box test on soil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The shear box test on soil - Essay Example The shear box test has an advantage over test because of the simplicity of equipment used and the ease in setting it up. The Shear test box also tests soil samples under different conditions such as consolidation, drainage, and saturation conditions. Another advantage of the shear box test is that it is easy to visualize what is happening to the soil as the test is being carried out. Various processes using the shear box test determine these properties. In determining the soil, these properties the results of the test are tabulated and graphs are drawn. Interpretation of the graphs is what gives significant meaning to some of the soil properties being studied. Purpose of the test A shear box test is used in geotechnical engineering to test various properties of soil. These soil properties include; friction angle, peak shear strength, soil cohesion, and the residual shear strength of the soil being studied. The key purpose for carrying out the test is to enable geotechnical engineers decide on the consolidated-drained shear strength of a silt to sandy soil. Shear strength is a very important aspect in engineering when determining soil properties. This is because most structures are based on soil’s shearing strength or resistance. Therefore, any time a structure is to be constructed it is important that the soil’s shear resistance be analyzed as the first step to decide on the whether it will be possible to construct. The shear strength of a discontinuity is considered to be of lower strength when compared to blocks with intact material between the discontinuities. These important facts and the results of shear tests enable the engineers to determine important aspects of engineering. These include determining the bearing dimensions for foundations, computing the stability of cuts and slopes, and in finding the amount of pressure that an area of soil exerts on the wall it retains (Price & De Freitas, 2009, p. 361). Brief description of the test set u p The Apparatus â€Å"A definitive test apparatus mainly consists of the following apparatus. Rigid split box that has a top and a bottom these are place inside a shear box carriage, which is box, shaped. The carriage rests on a pair of rollers that are aligned to move along two grooved tracks. The shear apparatus is controlled by a motor, which is also connected in the apparatus† (Huat, et al., 2005, p. 1284). The set up The test is carried out on three or four specimen taken from a comparatively undisturbed soil samples. The set-up of the test experiment follows the following procedures: 1. The first step is to weigh the initial mass of the soil sample 1. Next is to take the shear box’s measurements that are the diameter and height 2. From the measurements calculate what 15 percent of the diameter will be in millimeters 3. Next step involves assembling the shear box and placing it into the shear device. 4. Place a porous stone and a filter paper into the shear box 5. Pour the soil sample, for example sand, inside the shear box and remove the top layer to ensure it is level 6. Put a porous stone on top of the sand then cover it with a filter paper and then place the top plate which usually has a ball 7. After that take away the alignment screws that are in the shear box and using these screws open the gap that is between the two shear box halves to 0.025 inches. After that remove the screws from the gaps 8. Take the weight of the soil again and calculate the total mass of soil used 9. Finish assembling the device and set the three

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Samsung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Samsung - Essay Example Samsung has correspondingly authenticated strategic approaches in its management that include partnership, talent and creativity. Samsung is thrilled concerning the future (Tae, 2012). As Samsung work up on previous achievements, it anticipates exploring fresh territories including medicine, biotechnology and health. Samsung is dedicated in being an inventive leader in fresh markets and turning into a No. 1 corporation going forward. This paper will describe Samsung’s environmental scanning, political environment, monetary environment, economic environment and legal environment. Samsung has strengthened its present prominent environmental scanning structure by assigning monitors for data in each business unit and by launching a managing information system for gathering and distributing information. Although. Samsung has entrusted some managerial decision attainment to its subdivisions, the head office is consolidating its control on tactical decisions (Woyke, 2011). The head o ffice is comprised of more 200 elite directors to oversee the group corporations. Samsung has augmented a three-year formulating structure to its current five-year planning structure to deal with the fast varying environment. Samsung draws up budget annually, but takes on a whole re-budget every six months (Rosenblatt, 2012). Severe recession together with an augmented challenge from underdeveloped nations has had an impact on electronics consumption. To create quality merchandises, Samsung is taking up a striving technology development approach. It has amplified research and growth investment. Samsung has established more fresh research centers in the Japan, China, U.S., and Germany to cultivate and obtain innovative technology (Woyke, 2011). With the surfacing of economic blocs, tariff barriers have augmented in developed countries. Most Samsung electronics merchandises have encountered trade hurdles, for instance, anti-dumping quotas and lawsuits. In some circumstances, hefty imp ort levies have been enforced and overseas venture has been exposed to local content procedures. Initially, according to Samsung’s website, Samsung constituted of four corporate groups (semiconductors, consumer electronics, information systems and telecommunications) and every corporate unit had its particular functional staff and president. In 1992, a prominent restructuring combined those four into one faction (Woyke, 2011). Currently one president together with one array of functional subdivisions runs Samsung. Similarly, the organization of overseas undertakings transformed from a worldwide division to merchandise sectors. Before reorganization, all the foreign subsidiaries were coordinated by a global corporate head office. Nowadays the appropriate product division controls the manufacturing affiliates, while the foreign corporate head office coordinates and supports foreign operations (Pang, 2012). Although the Samsung’s organization is not a wholesome form of wo rldwide product sector, the function of product factions is reinforced and the directors of product factions bear much more resolution authority than before (Woyke, 2011). Lately, Samsung's achievement within the tablet PC and smartphone segments has been faced by legal brawls with its chief rival, Apple. The two corporations have filed lawsuits

Friday, July 26, 2019

Interview Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interview - Assignment Example All the children are male except for the youngest, who is a female. Her children are 40, 37, 35 and 31 accordingly. She and her husband are currently residing in their own home, which is not far from that of her children, and therefore of her grandchildren as well. The purpose of this paper is to examine the selected woman's opinions and notions of marriage, family and children as she was raised to believe, according to which she's lived her life, and then compare and contract those to those of my own. The woman interviewed, my grandmother, believes, and was brought up to believe, that marriage is supposed to last forever. It was a very different time from today, two generations ago, and this perception was much more common and popular than, in contrast to the very different one of today. Strangely enough, though, people used to get married at a young age and perhaps without even knowing their intended spouse for as long as people do today prior to marriage. This seems quite odd and bizarre for me today, but my grandmother says that that's how it was back then. If you knew the person for a year or two and thought you were compatible, you got married. Sex before marriage was also much less acceptable or appropriate. It was also common opinion that one has to do whatever he or she possibly can in order to save and preserve the marriage if it falls under a hard time (Author, Year). What she describes is very reasonable for that time, but seems quite obsolete today. Few are the people who still hold these beliefs today, and they are considered to be very unusual and the exception of the codes of behavior and norms of today. Things have changed a lot in these years between her generation and mine. Along with the emancipation of women, women's right movements and the changes in society as well as in the legislature, there's been a major shift towards living life each person sees fit. There is much less pressure today from families or others to get married quickly, an d less criticism or eyebrow-raising if a woman isn't married. This is truer for men than for women, but it also applies to women. Men are often thought to be less mature for serious relationships, commitments and marriage, let alone starting a family, while women are typically seen as more marriage and family oriented. While it may hold some truth (and women do indeed think more about relationships and the desire to be married and have children than men do), it is most definitely not true for everyone, and sometimes it is completely the opposite. Back in my grandmother's time it was quite unheard of. A woman was supposed to be married and was expected to do so until a certain age. Today it is not like that at all. Being married and becoming a mother were considered to be an inseparable part of being a woman (Author, Year). Today, there are women who opt never to get married, even though some of which are in long, committed relationships. It is now believed by some that marriage isn' t for everyone, and some do choose not to get married. Coupled with the current divorce rates, things have certainly changed in the decades since my grandmother's time and until now (Author, Year). It is interesting to note, in this context, that although marriage has become less essential to some women today and perhaps because of it, the wedding industry has grown immensely, and the wedding day is now considered to be one of life's more important milestones. In the past, while it was also significant, people didn't make such a big

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Aristotles View on the Natural of Teleology Essay

Aristotles View on the Natural of Teleology - Essay Example In this first argument, Aristotle draws to the comparison of rainfall and existent of animal parts which seems to be the most disputed contents in Aristotelian Corpus. In his argument, Aristotle tries to develop a final causation with regard to nature. Aristotle discusses the subject of natural teleology as a result of his predecessors trying to trace the final causation. The predecessors believe that things exist the way they as a result of necessity. This necessity includes the material elements that exist on their own natures and potentials. However, according to Aristotle, his predecessors describe natural phenomena with a focus on necessity. For Aristotle, his main focus is to establish the existence of other causes other than the material necessity. Since nature is a source of change, it acts to serve something; therefore, Aristotle is on the view that teleology and necessity tend to be related (Asanuma, 2011). Regarding how Aristotle distinguishes his teleological view concerning nature and the views associated with his opponents, it is clear that Aristotle considers his view and those of his opponents to be incompatible. As such, Aristotle disagrees with the view material necessity operates in nature and does not require operations associated with teleology. On another note, these two forces associated with nature could be compatible; however, operations associated with material necessity may not be sufficient when it comes to producing positive results. The natural phenomena may not come about with the absence of a final cause, as such, explanations related to formal and final causation should not be reduced to explanations focusing on efficiency and material causation. While there is a school of thought that concur necessity and teleology seems compatible with regard to Aristotle’s view, this can only happen with the absence of ontological consequences (Krbalek & Vacek, 2013).  Ã‚  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reimbursement requirements for billing purposes in the USA healthcare Essay

Reimbursement requirements for billing purposes in the USA healthcare system - Essay Example There are two types of insurance service providers; private and government. Private insurance is a form of business just as any other and therefore exist primarily to make profit. They therefore develop service bouquets that protect their primary interests of profitability. Government insurers on the other hand obtain their funding from the taxpayers and therefore operate with the sole objective of providing affordable medical insurance to the appropriate citizens. Government therefore provides insurance services to its employees known as civil servants and the poor in the society most of whom cannot afford the cost of private insurance. In both cases, the insured remit a monthly contribution to the service provider for the insurance coverage. On those considered the poor by the government, they remit a small amount of money set by the government, which the government supplements with money from the treasury. This way, everyone affords high quality medical services. Medical insurance services differ in terms of the cover specifications. A feature more prevalent in private insurance government insurers provides uniform services to those it considers unable to afford private services. However, it allows the civil servants to choose from the different service bouquets it outlines on its coverage. The different cover specifications vary in the monthly or annual remittance. The private insurers have dynamic medical services ensuring that they cover any form of medical condition; the more expensive the service is the more comprehensive its specifications become. Additionally, the quality of the services differs depending on both the service providers and the type of service package. Private insurers just as explained are business entities; they therefore survive based on the nature of their interaction with their customer base. Such service providers therefore offer quality services as a marketing strategy. With a medical insurance cover, one is assured of high quali ty medical services in case of a condition. However, the insurance service providers regulate the amount of money that one receives for the coverage depending on the service package. Both thee government and the private insurers have a clear demarcation for every service type therefore offer financial coverage up to the level that the service type allows (Green & Rowell, 2013). The government sets the minimal insurance services that everyone in the country should have in a bid to ensure that everyone in the country lives a high quality life. Among the most basic coverage, include accidents and recurrent diseases such as tuberculosis among others. By protecting the citizens from such diseases as cancer, among other recurrent diseases, the government ensures that everyone lives a higher quality and longer lives. The medical insurance services cover both inpatient and outpatient medical services depending on the nature of the insurance cover. The service provider explains the types of services included in the service specification thereby allowing for financial remittance accordingly. The insurance service providers deal with the medical institutions often eliminating the customer in their relations. In this case, after accessing medical services, the medical service provider consults the insurer with the patient details. The insurer receives the claim and

Long Australian (New South Wales) contract law scenario Is Seymour Essay

Long Australian (New South Wales) contract law scenario Is Seymour bound to his contracts with Agnes and with Krustylu - Essay Example However section 52 provides a general prohibition against misleading or deceptive conduct in commercial activities. Whether the violation of contract might also be breach of section 52 is a significant issue. The basis of such argument is the consideration that contractual promises are obligations which contracting parties have undertaken to fulfil, and to enter in to a contractual undertaking and subsequently fail to adhere to it is misleading with in meaning of section 52. There have been several cases (FN2, FN3 and FN4) in which consideration has been given to the scope of section 52. However, if the agreement is signed without consideration of moral principles guided or defined as per Australian contract law there is a sufficient ground for the client to seek for the relaxation. As the Seymour Skinner was forced to sign the agreement or contract which is nothing but violating the legal principles of contract, he is not bound to the contract with Agnes and Krustylu Television Studios to full extent. It has to be assessed whether an unfulfilled contractual promise itself as opposed to a defect in the promise constitutes a breach of section 52. Several cases revealed that an unfulfilled promissory contractual term to be declared as misleading needs to be argued under long Australian contract law (FN5). ... Breach of this contract is recognized by the law and legal remedies can be provided.Once the legality of the contract is maintained, then any party who signed the contract have to obey the contract. The agreement between Seymour and Agnes and Krustylu Television Studios clearly violated the legality, hence it comes under illegality of Australian contract law. Any person involved intentionally under this contract may be punished and the person who was forced to sign will be given sufficient chance to represent his case. Once the judicial body finds sufficient ground in defence of client, it may reconsider or review the contract and may declare the contract as void. (2) This contract comes under violation of principle of performance and breach. Australian courts have not definitively established the non-fulfilment of a contractual promise as conduct itself being misleading with in section 52 (FN7). As long as the "conduct" definition (FN8 and FN9) is satisfied, the person violating or non-fulfilling contractual promise will be charged under misleading conduct. Other wise section 52 of Australian trade Practices act relaxes the condition for client. It will provide enough opportunity for client to represent his case and show sufficient proof of not meeting the definition of "conduct" by the other party under the contract. (3) This contract has not obeyed the principle of undue influence. Seymour has been put under pressure to sign the contract. Even though Seymour Skinner admits that his mother was behind his successful career, it is not proper to expect that Seymour should sign a trade contract in favour of his mother Agnes. As it is the responsibility of any mother to shape the career of her children it is not to be linked with trade

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Prepare a written business plan of (THE COCA-COLA COMPANY) on the Essay

Prepare a written business plan of (THE COCA-COLA COMPANY) on the Orbis database - Essay Example Generally its products are available in bottled form or in canned form. Its carbonated soft drinks and noncarbonated beverages are very famous through out the world. The company is also engaged in activities and businesses, such as empowers its bottling partners to produce fountain syrup to sell in the restaurants, convenience store and other fountain retailers and wholesalers for the immediate consumption of the fountain syrup. Its famous soft drinks bands are- Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and Diet Coke. So the company has various opportunities in manufacturing, retailing and distributing the nonalcoholic drinks, tea and coffee and juices products. To increase its business the company may take its initiative to undertake a new international business venture in any of its product and business lines in which it has a comparative advantage. It may undertake or enhance its mergers/acquisitions activities in such a location where the demand of its product is high enough or expected to increa se in future so that it can get easy market access by using its brands. If we see only its Pacific operation, we will notice that over the last 7 years, its sales have increased tremendously. This is also true regarding its assets investments. We have shown this by the figure 1 as follows: As an example, we can consider one of the new business ventures of the company, through which it plans to acquire 100 % of a fruit juice maker company of Russia, engrossing the founders and the biggest shareholders of that company, as reported by Dow Jones on March, 2010. Some other sources have informed that the Coca-Cola Company is going to take 75 % share of that Russian Company. What ever may be the position of the Coca-Cola Company, there is no doubt that this business venture will be a successful one for the company. The reason behind this is that the company has planned to take such a business expansion method in accordance its

Monday, July 22, 2019

Test Dilemma Essay Example for Free

Test Dilemma Essay Q1) How would you characterize Timberland’s exercise of its corporate power in society? Is Timberland engaging multiple stakeholders in its business operations? If so, hw? Answer: I would characterize Timberland’s exercise of its corporate power in society as â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility†. That is, timberland is being socially responsible towards society and it is acting in a way that enhances society. By exercising its power, Timberland is practicing the â€Å"iron law of responsibility† which says that in the long run, those who do not use power in ways that society considers responsible will tend to lose it. Moreover, by acting in the general public interest, Timberland is following the â€Å"Stewardship Principle† Yes, Timberland is engaging multiple stakeholders in its business operations, starting from Timberland’s management (CEO- Jeff Swartz) who is has managerial duties at Timberland and he is personally involved in the social activities sponsored by Timberland. Timberland’s employees are main stakeholders who in addition to their job tasks at Timberland are participating voluntarily in its social activities. The community service organization (City Year) is another stakeholder which is supported financially by Timberland. Non-profit organizations which benefit from the grants Timberland makes annually are also stakeholders for the company. Other communities and society members who benefit from Timberland’s community services activities are another set of stakeholders to Timberland. Q2) Has Timberland balanced its economic and social responsibilities through its various programs, such the Path to Service program and sustainability goals?  Are the company’s programs examples of enlightened self-interest? Answer: Yes Timberland has balanced its economic and social responsibilities through its programs. Timberland holds accountable for its stockholders and at the same time recognizes its responsibility towards society and environment through the programs it implemented. This is clear in the statement of Timberland CEO â€Å"†¦While we are absolutely accountable to our shareholders, we also recognize and accept our responsibility. The programs implemented by Timberland are examples of being â€Å"enlightened self-interest†. Timberland recognizes the long-term rewards to the company from its global involvement through an enhanced reputation, customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, and global community support. That is, it is Timberland’s self interest to provide true value to its customers, to help its employees to grow and to behave responsibly as a global corporate citizen. Q3) What impact do you think the current economic recession may have on Timberland social programs? Answer: Probably the social programs will continue; however, with less grants and donation amounts and more careful expenditures on sustainability issues environmental programs.  Please note: the case is old and from my reading on the internet, it was mentioned that Timberland continued to give money and service work to City Year during the financial trouble. Q4) How would you improve Timberland’s corporate social responsibility program? Answer: †¢Create a set of Key Performance Indicators through which CSR can be measured. For example, employees’ satisfaction could be one measure of how Timberland is acting towards its environment. Another measure could be the gas emissions from their factory to see how they are affecting environment†¦etc. Improve communications with stakeholders, as an example, awareness sessions could be held with stakeholders to explain the importance and benefits of corporate social responsibility. †¢Involve stakeholders in the social responsibility programs and listen to their opinions on how to make it better. †¢Improve communications with employees, explicitly explain separation between layoffs and City Year donations, Improve internal affairs †¢Involve in some social programs targeting developed countries in the Middle East especially those which have just undergone backlash es and needs assistance to recover.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Personal Plan Proposal | Leadership

Personal Plan Proposal | Leadership Personal development plan for a leadership would be to recognize areas for further development and encourage lifelong learning. It acts as a process of empowerment, self-assessment mentoring, continued renewal, role modeling, positive attributes, networking, and improvement on weaknesses. The proposed plan process describes how leader should lead by having the above mentioned skills to lead affectively. and support to help staff develop their capabilities. I would reinvent as nurse leader who is innovative by possessing the following abilities such as; self-assessment, empowerment, mentor, continued renewal, role modeling, positive attributes, networking and improvement on weaknesses (Bleich Kasiak, 2007). By having these trades will assist in support the staff to develop their capabilities and gain to be an efficient leader. I have never thought of myself as leader but I have been told that I possess the skills. The thought of being a leader sometimes alarms me because of all the stress, headache, which I have heard and seen managers or leaders complaining about their job is never ending. But to be a great leader one must develop these characteristics to lead others which are the followings; Empowerment, delegate and encourage staff members to take responsibility. Mentor, give staff advice, guide, train, coach. Role model, set positive example for others to follow, give advice to develop leadership. Net working, is to maintain a positive relationship with other managers or staff. Self-assessment, of the self as a leader which will help measure the progress overtime. Continued renewal, consider the concerns of staff members and patient care. Positive attribute, as a leader one must possess an important element which is compassion. Improve on weakness, such as time management, multitask (ex. I sometimes pick up where others leave off. Picking up the slack in the workplace). Show how a weakness can be turned into strength. I am happy to be a nurse and l like the way people responds to me when I tell them I am a nurse. Nurse empowerment as both individually and as a profession can be achieved. The fact that nursing has traditionally been thought of as a profession for only women but that has changed more men are nurses now than before (OGrady Mallock, 2003). The nursing profession has changed dramatically. There are so many opportunities for nurses now then before they can be political workers, publicists, journalists, speakers, researchers (Fitzgerald, T., 2000). Weve expanded into so many different avenues. Since I became a nurse has helped me to have the vital critical thinking and decision making skills in doing my patient cares. Studies have been done at national level in recent years have asked nurses what factors supported to their job satisfaction. In general the most important factors reviewed were research on each of the following factors contributed to job satisfaction are the, productivity, burnout, turnover rates, and, empowerment (Fletcher, 2001). Power is demonstrated as much by the attitude that one project as it is by the tasks that one perform. Some self analysis may be in order in terms of the attitude and image that you portray. It is import to act in professional manner but it is also important to look professional. Even dirty shoes and long acrylic nails can give the impression to others that we dont take ourselves very seriously in the regard. Power sometimes comes from others so it may be helpful to make connections. The truth is that sometimes who you know rather than what you know is important. Use the grapevine may or may not be accurate, so also do some investigation on your own. Make these connections for positive reasons and in a careful manner, such as to assist in your professional growth, rather than to win power or take power from someone else. Avoid confrontation, as it rarely helps anyone. Power without respect is hollow. We dont need to see o urselves as victims. We complain to each other about how bad our jobs are and how nursing is not what we thought it would e. It doesnt have to be that way. We can increase our involvement in our workplace whenever possible. We can continue to observe our environment, gather information and contribute whatever we c can to make improvements. We can be a visible presence in the workplace, networking with others and asking questions. We can continue to practice professional ways to communicate our thoughts and needs, but recognize when using power may not be in our best interests or may increase hostility. We owe it to those who will come after us in the nursing profession as well as to ourselves to make an effort to change the degree of authority and power that we have. We can do it? Self awareness is stated as knowing ones internal states, preference resources and intuitions. This is being conscious and being able to connect to our feelings and actions. By accepting and understanding our thoughts and interpretation processes, one will have a clearer picture of what we want to achieve. And this will undoubtedly help in making wise and sound decisions in a personal or professional relationship. Interview: FF is the nurse manager of renal clinic at hospital. She is an R.N. whose leadership position is unique because she also created the program she is in charge of. F.F. had a vision and used her leadership skills to see that vision become a reality. The renal clinic began because there was a need. One of the qualities in an effective leader is the ability to recognize a need and take action to make that need met. F.F. started her nursing career after graduating from west state university by working in various areas and units. While working in these capacities one Dr A.B. approached her on several occasions about the need to have a renal clinic for diabetic patients. These patients population was not being served locally. F.F. would agree with him saying yes, it would be nice to have a renal clinic, and that would be it. Then in that time F.F. needed to care for a sick family member. At the same time the hospital needed a manager and F.F. was filling in as an interim for the inpatient d epartment. This position had a very demanding schedule that included weekends, being on call, and rotating shifts. And the hospital was not recruiting for a manager and what was supposed to be an interim position now did not have a foreseeable end. With a sick family member at home, F.F. needed more flexibility in her work schedule. This was the turning point that spurned F.F. to take action to meet the needs that were before her. The answer to F.F. personal dilemma took the shape of creating a renal clinic. F.F. could see that working in this specialty would give her the family friendly schedule she desired. She took the initiative in making the renal clinic a reality. As it is mentioned in the article of Quantum leadership that those who are not born leaders can acquire the necessary skills, (OGrandy Mallock, 2003). I believe anyone can be a leader by motivation and applying the self to become a leader. As a leader I would like to have a vision of greater good and initiate actions to achieve that vision. In making decisions to attain goals, as a leader I would create change and make that change a past history. In a nurse leadership often times they use personal traits to be beneficially and ethically which will influence others through a process where clinical and organization outcomes are achieved through joint efforts. As a nurse leader I would unite in building a relationship to empower staff or others that would led toward achievement. I like all the other elements of a nurse leader I dont have a less preference. As a follower I would want a leader that has direction that can be trusted, have a vision and hope for the department or organization. The most valuable asset of a leader is honesty and trust. I want a leader that is honest with both his or her staff and the management. Another element that a leader must have is integrity. Once a leader compromises his or her integrity it is lost. That maybe the reason integrity is considered the most admirable trait. Leadership qualities are different for different position but one must be thinking for future scope of improvement, quality and quantity of in conducting business. The ideal leader must have a vision beyond what is here today know where the business is headed and be able to use that vision to move the department forward. I would help my peers to become better by being a great leader that my peers can look up to and depend on. As, a leader I need the ability to lead because there is a certain quality to manage a problem if my followers cant face the problems on their own. This leadership quality is extremely important because if the leaders do not possess some special ability, then there wont be anything that will distinguish him/her from his/her followers. As a leader I would motivate my team mates for good work and maintain healthy environment. And make my first priority is safety for the workers and see that they are not exploited by superiors. These are some of the many ways that I can lead and have followers. Reference Bleich Kasiak, 2007 Fitzgerald, T., (2000), Nurse appeal profession tries new tactics to woo next generation of nurses, posted date January 13, 2000. Retreived on November 13, 2009 from Ketle, J. L., RN. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction in the Registered Nurse, University of North Carolina, charlotte, NC. Retreived on Novermber 23, 2009 from OGrady, P. Mallack, 2003. Quantum Leadership 2003, article for this course. Bradberry Greaves, 2003 Francis, F., RN. (2009). Indian Health Service Hospital/ACL, Personal interview in October 28, 2009. Fletcher, C. E. (2001, June). Hospital RNs job satisfactions and dissatisfactions. Journal of Nursing Administration, 31(6), 324-31.

What Is The Effect Of Mcdonalds On Society Cultural Studies Essay

What Is The Effect Of Mcdonalds On Society Cultural Studies Essay Most prominent changes came with the arrival of fast food  restaurants like  McDonalds into foreign countries, transformational have taken set which could be clearly as favorable or undignified to that culture. There are 1.5 million franchises in the US but there are about half of the total franchises are outside of the U.S. in over 120 countries. All the reputation and destiny of McDonalds, there are fear about how the broaden of standardization of the franchise is affecting culture, manner and the environment. In fact, the McDonalds has proved to the local culture to adopt their culture. The globalization of McDonalds creates many argues on equally both sides of the issue. The pro- globalization hopes are that it develops culture rather than ruin.   . McDonald does also modify its regional menus to proof to local taste. There has been a effect of traditional values with the arrival of nontraditional food items into the culture of foreign countries. The kinds of food items are representative to particular regions, religions and society. To give an example, Indian Hindus and Sri Lankan Buddhist people, believes that the cow is to be holy to their religion. Diversity can be originated in Indias food and its culture. McDonalds is viewed as American and the society away from conventional foods towards fast food is measured to be Americanization  of the diet. This perception has more far attainment effects than is seen on the surface. The Americanization of the food also shows that the culture and a way of thinking which in not acceptable to many states. Although they have done many changes in the eating habits of the nations influenced by the culture of McDonalds there has been many positive aspects. With the development of technology and communication the world it seems to be moving faster. The initiation of fast food into foreign cultures allows the opportunity to keep up with this fast development. Culture is ever changing and thus McDonalds moving to another step in the growth of culture with the changes. Now the menu has given people a new choice over the traditional foods eaten in the past. Strategies of McDonalds The companys ability to determine what consumers want and need and adapt to that is a major strategy they are using according to the culture differences of countries. Another great McDonalds strategy is, such as the delivery service offers even though in crowded cities such as Shanghai. Not only does the company make more sales by catering to the traffic-challenged, time-constrained, and lazy, it saves itself some money at the same time, because delivered meals require no table clean-up at the restaurant. Currently government around the world criticizing the fast food items because of the health issues, some countries are taken some actions to band TV advertisements of such fast food items due to the health conscious. Therefore McDonalds have done dramatic changes on their menu items with healthier salads, fruits and small portion size to encourage the balanced and healthy life style. Rather than implementing new technology to replace human labor, McDonalds is using a youthful workforce in an every country. it has beautiful appearance , brightly lit and climate control, seats ,tables , kids play materials, organized vehicle park, shiny counters creates open and cheerful environment in all country of McDonalds. Employees wear bright color and neat dress and smiles at customers while they working efficiently. Even employee has responsible for cleaning the toilets and floors work in a discipline manner. Outlet menu displays in the behind of the counter with soft backlighting and the photographic image of the food items. And open , clean, kitchen are shows to the customers how the hamburgers and fried chicken are prepared. It seems to be conveying gender equality and attracted the female consumers. And adjustment in behavior of McDonalds outlets in other country culture is a great strategy of McDonalds. Earlier McDonalds operated it services till the evening hours, bu t now days 40% of McDonalds are staying at night ours also because of the culture of night works. Culture Diversity of McDonalds McDonalds in Japan In 1971, first McDonalds was established by Den Fujita, president of Fujita Shoten in Japan in 1955. Perhaps the culture of Japan is almost like Asian culture the code of their food preparation is shows their culturally oriented society. The lunches are made by home and must be consumed quickly and entirely by sharing. Rice is so symbolically vital to Japanese culture that Japanese say they can never feel full until they have consumed their rice at a particular meal or at least once during the day. Here food preferences shows their culturally oriented. Earlier look and feel of both the products and stores of McDonalds were similar to those in the United States.   After some experimented they have done slight changes in their menu of food items according to the Japanese culture under one of McDonald guiding principles which is known as a commitment to exceeding customer expectations. And there is a wonderful culture they are having like Asian, eating together at one table, is innermost to the Japanese. It creates a sense of community. It is the essence of a food that bonds families and creates social relationships. But McDonalds hamburgers are meant to be eaten individually and cannot be shared therefore they introduced like Mc rice in Asian counties. And also their cultural physical arrangements of restaurants also changed to their expectation. Japan had neither tables nor seats; there were counters in which customers were expected to eat their meals on the  go. So they included tables in the layout, although the first floor of the restaurant is to ordering foods and others for seating areas. It is not only a place for great fast food in Japan but also a wonderful place to take a nap when they are coming from a late nights work. There are always people sleeping in McDonalds and also can see people studying over there, they most probably leave their stationery items and bags there. Often can see somebodys bag just left on a seat or a table its the owners way of saying this is my seat dont even think about it. They walk in, leave their bag where they want to sit and then go to order their food. It is look like a cafe, having comfortable seat. (Appendix-1.1). Mc Donalds of Japan is having different culture rather than other country McDonalds. Generally if you left your belongings on the tables like that, people would just leave them alone, However, I havent heard anyone sleep or study in McDonalds before. According to our culture if anybody did it will be made as a guilty thing for them, but it is happening in Japan published photographs in websites are proving that. It is showing their culture of Cinnamon melt anyone whos try them should agree they are the best, McDonalds adopting their culture and providing services according to their culture. Although McDonalds uses Australian beef unaffected by mad cow disease, the fatal brain-wasting ailment, Japanese consumption of beef and Big Macs dropped sharply at the time McDonalds in Hong Kong The first McDonalds of Hong Kong was established on 1975. Already they had the culture of fast food. They are giving more preferences to time, so other restaurants. Now eco-ethnic- pretentiousness is going out of the way. Generally Honk Kong wedding especially for the working class and the rich is a pressure and often financially crippling ordeal. Typically Hong Kong couple spends $29,000 on their wedding, and their average monthly income in Hong Kong is about $2,250. And they have the traditions, viewed as so troublesome by many young Chinese thus their wedding falls to a joyless, domestic and societal responsibility that leaves them with a heavy debt and little in the way of loving memories. Therefore they introduced Mc Wedding in Hong Kong to have a great wedding for young couples. It will be the first city in the world to roll out McDonalds wedding packages for couples introduced on January 1st, 2011.  Wedding package starts around $1,000. And the package is include with a ceremony, reception, decorations, personalized menu and catering, complete with an apple pie wedding cake, dress made out of party balloons, kiddies party favors for gu ests, and catering by McDonalds.   Now many people in Honk Kong celebrating their wedding at McDonalds, it shows they are adopting the culture of American whos celebration typically as joyful and independently. Although introduced joyful wedding celebration strictly Alcohol is banned, so newlyweds will have to toast their union with soft drinks instead to maintain McDonalds guiding principles.  McDonalds changed the young culture in Hong Kong, but it would be great impact to their culture might be create the unhealthy nature and environmental impact of fast food. It does issue for many cultures, would be effect their own culture value, rather supporting the community through improvement. McDonalds offered a rice burger a meat patty sandwiched by sticky rice molded into a bun in Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines and Hong Kong who giving preference for heavy meals. Like the Japanese, the locals in Hong Kong viewed hamburgers as snack food. The corporate culture of McDonalds has traditionally been to offer value meals but, Identifying a way to collaborate McDonalds food with the Hong Kong culture and he has been successful. McDonalds has a research centre in North Point (Hong Kong) where it studies the quality of foods.   The areas that this office focuses include Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and 37 markets of Africa.   This centre has created many new products within the McDonalds market. Today, McDonalds in Hong Kong continues to offer plain hamburgers at breakfast, but the dietary preferences of the locals are now more compatible to Americans. . Eventually concludes that the Mc World theory is somewhat do changes to exceeding customer expectations under their guiding principles. It is difficult to convincing from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Californias Direct Means of Democracy Essay -- Prop 19

California is a democratic republic consisting of three branches of government. The first is the executive branch, i.e. the governor and a group of elected constitutional officers. Second is the judicial branch which consists of the Supreme Court of California and the various local courts. Officials are appointed by the Governor and ratified in the next general election. The third branch of government in California is the legislative branch. It is a bicameral body which includes California’s Senate and Assembly. The Assembly makes up the lower house of the California State Legislature and consists of eighty members, one representative from each county, who serve for up to three two year terms. There are forty state senators who are able to serve up to two four year terms. Each senator represents approximately 846,719 Californians. California practices direct democracy which is a method of governance in which any citizen of a state wishing to participate holds sovereignty. It is a political system that allows citizens to change constitutional laws, put forth initiatives, referendums, and suggestions for laws. Also, they can give institute limitations for removal on the state’s executive branch official. These means of governing is a clear contrast representative democracy which state officials, elected to office through popular vote, hold the power to make legislation. The framers of the United States did not see direct democracy as a viable option of governance because it made it easy for the majority to impose their will over the minority. Also, it gave the newly formed legislative branch less power. In turn, the founding fathers instituted a representative democracy in the form of a constitutional republic. This allowed the s... ...011: 48-49. Print. "California." Initiative and Referendum Institute. University of Southern California, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . "California Ballot Propositions - November 2nd 2010 ." California Choices. California Choices, 7 Feb. 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . Kesler, Charles R. "Direct Democracy In California." The Claremont Institute: For Studying Statesmenship and Political Philosophy. The Claremont Insititute, 2009. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . Stern, Robert M. "Democracy by Initiative: Shaping California’s Fourth Branch of Government." Health Vote. California HearthCare Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2011.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Clothing Impact on Social Interactions Essay -- essays research papers

Does Clothing Have an Impact on Social Interactions: An Observational Study in the Classroom   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many reasons why we choose to wear a particular article or style of clothing. Many of us consider our choice in clothing as an extension of our identity. While many others pick items from their wardrobe that reflect their current mood. There are also many times when we choose to dress a certain way in anticipation of being in a particular social setting. Even people who don’t seem to bother with matching clothes or wearing a designer label or walk around wearing clothes that are torn and dirty, are making a statement. What remains to be examined is whether or not there is a clear relationship between the clothing we wear and our social interactions.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The implications of such a relationship could lend itself to a variety of benefits. Imagine knowing that if you are dressed a particular way; you are more likely to get better service in a restaurant. We already know that when showing up for a job interview, there is certain dress attire that will make you more likely to get the job. Why do you think that when you’re single and going out, you tend to spend more time getting ready and dressed up? The answer is because we associate first impressions and attraction to our physical appearances.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A variety of studies using empirical reasoning in many different settings, have tried to establish a relationship between the two. Pamela Regan of California State University, Los Angeles was cited in the Washington Post as saying â€Å"First, people need to dress appropriately – if you want to be treated well, then dress the part,† after she concluded an observational study of shoppers, the service they received and the way they were dressed. Published in the Psychological Reports, 2002 her study titled â€Å"Customer Service As A Function of Shopper’s Attire’† revealed that upon entering a store, it took more than 20 seconds longer for an employee to approach a shopper dressed in gym clothes, as opposed to one dressed as if she were on her way to work. She concluded, â€Å"Clothing, like other aspects of appearance, seems to exert at least some influence on how we are perceived and treated by others,† (204).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For our particular study, we w... ...larger group and perhaps in more diverse settings. It is clear that clothing does have an impact on social interactions however if I were to redo this study with a similar set-up I would also want to add a survey element to the treatment. Perhaps self-perceptions on dress have more of an impact on whether or not a student participates. This survey would examine how the student feels about their dress. It is possible that a student wearing $200 designer jeans and a shirt would consider themselves dressed up and participate more. However, because according to my own definitions this student would be dressed down it would hinder my results.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Establishing a significant relationship between dress and participation in class could be useful to many people. Pamela Regan’s study has convinced me that if I want better service, I should dress up when I go shopping. If this study were to reveal a significant enough relationship, then students can reconsider how they dress for class as it may help their participation grade. References Regan, P. C., & Llamas V. (2002). Customer service as a function of shopper’s attire. Psychological Reports, 90, 203-204.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Is It Better to Study in Arts or Science Stream?

Question: Is it better to study in Arts or Science stream? Discuss Nowadays, the level of education is very important in an individual because the world is rapidly developing and required people to have high intellectual capabilities in order to cope with the development. Art and science streams are two fields that offer jobs in many countries in this world. People question that art stream people are usually better in social skill and they help a lot in boosting the economy of a country. Others, however, believes that science stream have more stable pay and contribute a lot in humanity apart from financial benefits. Firstly, people in art streams tend to socialize more with people as their field usually need them to work with other people in order to ensure the success of their career. Communication skill also can be developing as they communicate with others a lot. For instance, in business field, businessmen or businesswomen need to meet their clients to discuss about their business progress. This required them to have good communication skill to make sure the clients can have a clear view about the business in which they are working. Business professions also make the entrepreneur to meet new people and make friends with them as business professions requires them to explore a lot and not to do the office works only. This will open their mind towards new things that happen around the world. Next, the arts and creative industry has the potential of generating high income and making the Malaysian economy more dynamic or boost industry economy, whereby in 2008 from Malaysian statistics, it contributed RM 9. billion, besides providing many jobs available. Realizing the importance of this industry, the government has allocated millions for the Creative Industry Fund to finance activities like arts, film and drama production, music, animation, advertising and developing local content. The funding in the form of loans is managed by financial banking. The development of countries such as Singapore and even the US has been helped greatly by arts and creative industry to boost their economy. An additional point is that the influx of foreign investors can put pressure on services such as marketing, and these costs can be used to increase the production in arts and creative industry. Besides that, with participation of private companies, government linked companies and involvement of investors from many countries; it can ensure that the Malaysian creative product brand names are accepted in the local market and able to compete at the regional and international levels through continuous promotions. All these factors can result in boosted of economic for the government. On the other hand, science stream have variety scopes of learning such as the biology, chemistry, physical and many more. With this different kind of learning, the opportunity of jobs becomes wider. In comparison with the art stream, one with the knowledge of biological studies can even work in engineering field even though they are in different fields. Furthermore, jobs in this stream have more stable pay instead of the art stream. The definite example is the work of a doctor. They receive same payment for every month either they work for the whole month or simply for sometimes. They can also live their life happily without even worried about having shortness of money in this develop country. In addition, this field of study contributes to humanity in many ways. In medical field, the new discovery of various drugs and treatment methods helps to increase the lifespan of humans. Justice can be served through forensics as samples collected from the scene of crime can be traced to any perpetrators. Biotechnology and genetic engineering have the potential to make stem cells transplant a success in the near future. Engineering provides humans with the latest and trendiest technology with the aim of making life more comfortable. Last but not least, research by scientists help to confirm any suspected hypothesis such as gravity and effectiveness of antibiotics. There are equal advantages in studying arts and science field. Hence, this solely depends on different individual’s interest and attitude. One may argue that science stream provides a stable pay but if one is not interested in that field, it brings no meaning at all in studying that particular field. Likewise, if one is motivated and inspired to succeed, it does not matter which field he is studying because regardless of science or arts stream, as long as he is has the motivation and interest, he is bound to succeed. In a nutshell, interest and attitude play an important role in determining which field is more suitable for one’s choice of study.

Multiple Perspectives vs. Single Perspective Approach Essay

The focus of my paper is going to be Pluralism, Monism and Interdisciplinarity in the context of a doubled survey start. I will hold forth the advantages of taking a bigeminal posture climax of work tabooing things which ar, Pluralism and Interdisciplinarity, as hostile to a superstar perspective mount, which is Monism. Pluralism mint be used as the confines to define the integration of unalike determine and cultures in spite of appearance a given ships company. Monism, ( sticks from a Greek word Monos meaning maven) is be as whatever philosophy that denies that at that place atomic number 18 many separate creations in the universe and instead looks at a unified one (James and McDonald).Interdisciplinarity looks at divergent disciplines, the combination of which sens help wee-wee something revolutionary and diverse. I hold in with some(prenominal) Berlin and Moran that it is cave in to take a threefold perspective approach. Though commonwealth whi tethorn dismiss triune perspective approach, I believe that Pluralism is a response to Monism and Interdisciplinarity, creation the advancement of companionship into something split up and radical in the context of the disciplines that have commodious become outdated and old modality and which gave heighten to some other disciplines. Both Pluralism and Interdisciplinarity ar a three-fold perspective approach of looking at things.Pluralism as a response to MonismMonism as defined preliminary in the paper is a view of looking at the universe as a unified whole, meaning that it is a singular mode of looking at things as impertinent to pluralism which looks at things in different ways, the multiple perspective approach. The crusade why I agree that it is better to have a multiple way of looking at things is because, as the ball keeps changing, societies too change and evolve. New innovations argon made, ideas and ideals change and in that locationfore, we cannot have a single outlook on things. People come up with different views, ideas and have their deliver interpretations to what they believe in and/or agree with. Berlin states there is a plurality of ideals, as there is a plurality of cultures and of temperaments (11). This government agency that Pluralism is having multiple reputes, perspectives that slew can value to a greater completion than one thing. Different volume have different values and we whitethorn not always believe in or agree to them nevertheless there is an understanding of why we as valet de chambre beings, pursuit what we believe in and we may therefore, have some values that argon similar.People may have different cultures that they follow and those that are important to them, still this does not mean that they are not aware of or respect other cultures. Monism is the belief that exactly one beat of values is line up and the rest being false. This is not true and that is why it is better to have a pluralisti c approach as opposed to believing in those who think they know how societies should be set or who know what the ways of life sentence should be. Today we are living in a pluralistic society where people around the globe share their knowledge and expertise with each other.The advantage of pluralism is the geological fault of cultures which give the freedom of communication among people of different cultures and backgrounds, who come unitedly and work together have the improperness to follow what they believe in as opposed to following those who are in authority and those who think they know it all. Berlin sates, true knowledge is knowledge of why things are as they are, not merely what they are (7). In this day and time, globally, we are see a new era rising where nations that had accepted dictatorship as gospel, are now rebelling and voicing their opinions and liberating their nations. Interdisciplinarity a multiple perspective approachJoe Moran defines Interdisciplinarit y as any form of dialogue or interaction amongst two or more disciplines (16). In my opinion what it means is that Interdisciplinarity is the transformation and the organization of knowledge into something new in spite of appearance the context of the disciplines that were already existent moreover have become obsolete. He points out three main aspects that explain sincerely well the concept of Interdisciplinarity and what it actually does and how it has helped society evolve and transform knowledge for what it was hence and what it became. Moran mentions bureaucratization, professionalization and distinctiveness (Berlin, 12). Bureaucratization means a formation of a set of rules and regulations that affect to be followed. It can be give tongue to that this is similar to what the monists believed approximately the people who are in chinkled and need to be followed but he also talks about professionalization where a pastime is off-key into a profession an also speciality separation of areas into discrete areas of concentration.Professionalization and specialization are a contradiction to what the monists believed in because this leads to a freedom of what people were adequate to(p) to do and they managed to transform knowledge into something more substantial than just following rules and regulations that would not allow them to change their ways of thought as people who had the knowledge were to control and were the ones to be followed. Interdisciplinarity gave rise to different disciplines within the framework of a university where students were given the opportunity to learn more and gain new knowledge and that knowledge was not only limited to a few people. We can say that, Interdisciplinarity is a multiple perspective approach of looking at things, in this context the disciplines that were obsolete and that gave way to the rise of knowledge that was transformed into something new.With this came the rise of graphic sciences, social sciences and the humanities that became disciplines in their have got because of the different cultures and value systems that are corporeal within these disciplines and not just one set of discipline that was to be followed. I conclude by agreeing with both Berlin and Moran that taking a multiple perspective approach of looking at the world and view things with different ideas is better than to have a single view of things. This is because a multiple perspective approach brings together different ideas from different beware sets which are more beneficial than ideas of just one individual who is in control and who looks down upon people as his inferiors.Today, technology has advanced to an extent that we can get information on our finger tips by just victimization the internet. Social media such as Facebook and peep are the means of communication between people around the world and are much faster as opposed to the old days when the use of telegrams was the norm. intelligenceworthine ss travels fast through these social media outlets than by watching television, or listening to news on the radio or schooling newspapers. This is possible due to the fact that multiple perspective approach has allowed different mind sets to come up with and share these mod ideas.ReferencesBerlin, Isaiah. My Intellectual Path. The Power of Ideas. New tee shirt Princeton University Pres, 2002. 5-7, 11-14. Print.Monism and Pluralism. Hugh James Francis Joseph McDonald. N.p., n.d. Web.22 Oct. 2012. .Moran, Joe. Introduction. Interdisciplinarity. London Routledge, 2001. 1-18. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Black people Essay

THE mixer CONSTRUCTION OF RACE/ETHNICITY IN THE call for GLORY ROAD Race and Ethnicity endure been socially constructed to pertain to certain qualities and attri merelyes that agree been generalized to the entire dry wash or cultural group. A few much(prenominal) constructions may include a impression that Asian raft argon able yet physically small, Africans be physically blessed while non as mentally gifted and that dust coat people be somewhere between the two. It is similarly socially constructed that Muslims argon angrier people and that Hindus ar strictly cultural.These attributes establish on ethnicity and race run through been falsely constructed by the association receivable to roles adopted or agonistic upon by these various social groups based on historic even offts. I have chosen to depict the race and ethnic construction in a twentieth century American society through the film Glory way. Glory Road is a movie based on a true story that revolves around the difficulties and hardships faced by the basketball police squad of the Texas western sandwich University. The movie shows how the police squad was a victim of an extremely harsh cook of racism.It follows the story of a equipage named wear off Haskins who is responsible for recruiting a police squad of Afro-American players in addition to the existing exsanguinous players to play for the University squad. In this movie, it has been clearly shown that African-American scholars, or ominousness students as they argon referred to in the movie are looked beat upon by the society consisting of a absolute legal age of white people. The white people conceptualise themselves to be superior to the bootlegs and in that locationby brood them with extreme hostility.This was a continuation of the racial in equating that stemmed from the system of thralldom in America. As the team of negro players begins to gain popularity, the dissent in the dominantly white society escalates rapidly. Hostile crowds gain vigor the team as they travel across the solid ground playing basketball. These crowds throw things at them, ruin their motel rooms with blood smeared walls and even go to the extent of brutally hurting unmatched of the negros when he goes to a restroom.It can be understood, that the negro player has been socially constructed to be middle-level simply due to their ethnicity. They are believed to be less intelligent and are even compared to monkeys by a tinct coach in the movie. However, due to the youthful success of this dominantly blue team, the whites begin to smelling inferior to them and thereby retaliate physically through violence. The plot of the movie is created due to a break in the stuffy social construction that the basketball team of a University is comprised of white students.White students who were practised by a white coach and studied in a University modify with white students. This was the norm that was being chal lenged by the coach Don Haskins who simply valued to give these negro students an opportunity to receive an procreation. Racial inequality in the education system is depicted in the movie through scenes that emphasize a majority of college students being white and the surprise on their faces when they see a black student in their school.Forms of personal racism are also shown in the movie such(prenominal) as stereotypes, prejudice and variety. Members of the board for Texas Western even exhibited quiet racism. They did not outwardly show their discontent for coach Haskins accomplishment but they did feel uneasy around it. However, their uneasy feelings began to change when they heard of the teams success, which leads us to believe that they were antiblack only for as long a time period as there was no direct benefit to them as individuals.The competing social construction would be angiotensin-converting enzyme in which there was no preeminence based on the race/ethnicity of the players belong to the team. It would be a construction where the blacks were not suppressed and thought to be inferior to whites. I believe that an example of a competing social construction would probably be the construction of our society to mean solar day, where students are not discriminated based on their ethnicity but are encouraged to participate and selected based on their individual skills and talents.The potrayals in the movie directly correspond to the norms of our present day where people believe African Americans to be more athletically inclined but less intelligent than white people. This norm is harmful and ripe to both parties. It means that a black person is more like to be hired for an athletic position but less probable for a on the job(p) job and the exact opposite for a white person. Studies in the present day have indicated that a black person is only 33% as likely as a white person to get a job even if they both apply with identical credentials.It h as been shown that the unemployment of black people is twice as gamy as that of white people (New populace, 166). The times are rapidly changing. Movies such as glory lane bring to clarification the inhumanity that has been dominant in societies of the quondam(prenominal) that lead to discomfort and a belligerent environment. People are more advised of things such as an abolition of discrimination and a promotion of equality as they aim towards times of peace. History was do in 2008, when a man of black origin was made President of the resembling country in which blacks were hated sightly a few decades ago.The name of this man was President Barack Obama. It represented a transition to a time with more equality and less racial discrimination. These are direct results of the efforts of movies such as glory road and also the efforts of various activists through the generations. flush though race and ethnicity were socially constructed, the norms are beginning to change in o ur new-fashioned world where every person is given an equal opportunity to achieve the goals they inspiration of.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Education of women Essay

Daniel Defoes shew authorize The fostering of Wo workforce was write to vehemence the foster of instruction for women should be much(prenominal) than what is was. In para- graphical record 1 us a civilise and a Christian bucolic Defoes betoken audience was for men and for those who draw the perform and paragon. Eng- commonwealth at this beat was dominantly of Christian trust and in this try out Defoe advocates more of gods ordain kinda than his take to name his get credibility and clean juicy worldly concern and Defoe is fit to do this by rise this fill in in the minds of his Christian acquireership.Although thither may non be overly a lot pack screwing his suck up on wherefore women needed to be meliorate, with concernencing god end-to-end the set about it stupefys an in effect(p) reading material with his channelize audience. He touch offs with his tone therefore refers to matinee idol in the close clip. This is a securene ss point from start to wind and this captures his readers sp atomic number 18-time activity archaeozoic on. Defoe include this rhetorical sentences in this fundamentvass and in separate 3 Defoe writes the disposition is position in the frame corresponding a near baseball field, and must be falled, or the flicker of it pass on neer start.His similitude is that if you slangt polish the diamond (women and educating) therefore they get out neer shine. In carve up 3 he uses the bound paragon in his attached sentence. If companionship and mind had been unavailing additions to the 1 Yorke perk up, theology gayufacturer would n perpetually bedevil give them capacities for he make zippo needless. He states that deity make women fitting to(p) of information and that no(prenominal) of Gods base is unnecessary. Defoe believes women should be educated and educating them they would savebecome break wives and companions for men.As an subject of this i s in split 5, he does not nominate teaching pragmatical subjects such as mathematics and experience only when instead, he says that they should be taught in particular, medicinal drug and leap which it would be inclemency to choke up the sex of, because they atomic number 18 their darlings. unless withal this, they should be taught languages He like keen adds that they should read tale books to be more grow so that they shag .. comprehend the world, and to be adequate to screw and articulate of things whenthey take of them. Defoes lean is that women as an equal.In dissever 7 he writes Women, in my observation, afford petite or no disagreement in them, but as they atomic number 18 or are not distin- guished by educational activity. Defoe summarizes in the termination carve up with this rhetorical sentence I refer the place to those talented years (if ever they shall be) when men shall be wise replete to situate it. Defoe implies that if man ca n transfigure his views on education for women, and so a charr would be educated entrust be seen as an equal amongst men.